

Hahn is one of the most well-known brands in Australia and, in the Lion portfolio, one of the most important. As one of the pioneer alcoholic drinks in the ‘better for you’ space, Hahn SuperDry was one of the first in the range to offer low-carb, lower-alcohol and gluten-free options.

Consumers love the taste but often fail to identify the ‘better for you’ benefits.

Hahn SuperDry was due for a brand refresh and a more straightforward way to present the offer.

We refreshed the Hahn design system, stripping the elements back to their core assets. The recognisable bands were retained but simplified to increase prominence and standout, allowing the variant name and benefit to be hero on pack.

A beer that says what it is. How good.
Distinctly Hahn

The Hahn logo is iconic, but the Landor & Fitch team knew that the core wordmark would benefit from reducing the noise around it and refining the shape. Rounded corners and drop shadows were removed, and the curved skylines retired. 

The updates allow the Hahn logo to display more prominently while maintaining recognisability.

Product renders - Limehouse