Sarah Deutsch's profile

Sarah Deutsch Showcase of Work

Sarah Deutsch Portfolio of Works - 2020-2022
Object and Graphic Designs
In order (from left to right): Talking Tableware, Plane Tableware, Incase You Forgot
Incase You Forgot, 2021 - 
Incase you forgot’ is a public design intervention that aims to prevent street harrassment. With the core values of safety and prevention in mind, this design was created to make women and others feel safe when walking in the city at night. It’s confronting messages and real-life insights also work to make an impact on potential perpetrators and raise awareness on the issue of street harrassment in Sydney. Drawing inspiration from campaigns that already exist such as “Sexism on the Streets” and “Stand Up International” I have decided to create a more impactful and unavoidable campaign that holds people accountable for their own actions. I conducted a survey as part of my field research where I asked a range of people from 18-35 about their experiences returning home at night. I got many responses telling of how people act in order to avoid being harrassed and also telling stories about their own personal experiences with street harrassment. I have used these responese in my design to create a raw, confronting experience for the viewer and uncover the untold stories of so many people. Each response was anonymously recorded and everyone was informed that they will be used in a public design project. With these ideas in mind, “Incase You Forgot” aims to create a lasting change on mindsets and attitudes within potential perpetrators as well as society and give women the empowerment they need to speak out against harrassment.
Talking Tableware, 2022 -
Talking Tableware is a design solution addressing the issue of social anxiety, specifically within the context of hospitality settings. The design will reduce feelings of anxiety for users and instead increase positive moods and create meaningful connections. Hospitality environments can be an overwhelming for anyone, especially for those who suffer from anxiety or social phobias. This set of tableware will help make the experience less stressful and instead put the users at ease. This is implemented by considering many different components including colour, form, material and typography. Talking Tableware is intended to be used within small restaurants. With material costs and manufacturing duration in mind, smaller, high end restaurants will be the initial target market. This will allow for the designs to be fully appreciated and also have the flexibility to work with the restaurants aesthetics. If this design was to be developed further, a larger range of tableware would be possible as well.

- Esther Perel, 2020

Plane Tableware, 2021 -
Biophilia refers to the “affinity human beings have with the natural world”. My designs reflect the connection between humans and nature through texture and pattern. The domestic objects of a jug and three cups are designed to resemble the beauty of the trees that are in my suburb of Surry Hills. The trees resonate emotions of calm and peacefulness to me which is quite mediative within a busy city setting. The objects aim to capture this idea. My objects play with three key elements of light, texture and pattern to bring the beauty of these trees inside the home. Southern ice porcelain becomes transparent and plays with light in an engaging way, much like the branches on trees do, making it a perfect material for the objects. 3D modelling has been used to create sleek forms that contrast with organic patterned carvings on the outside walls of each object. I have designed 4 key patterns that will be hand-carved onto the outside of each object.
Sarah Deutsch Showcase of Work

Sarah Deutsch Showcase of Work
