Habib Imanov's profile

Restaurant & Bar in Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy

Project Name : Restaurant & Bar
Location : Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy
Year : 2022
Architectural Designer : Habib Imanov

Useful information about Piazza San Marco:
Piazza San Marco is the city’s main public square and contains its most famous buildings such as St Mark’s Basilica and the Doge's Palace. Napoleon called it “the world’s most beautiful drawing room”.
It was established during the ninth century, but adopted its current size and form in 1177, and was paved one hundred years later.
The Piazza San Marco is one of the most beautiful in the world. Napoleon called it “the world’s most beautiful drawing room”.
It is the lowest point in Venice; therefore, when there is Acqua Alta, it is the first place to be flooded. When this happens, the authorities place wooden footbridges for the locals and tourists. Several times a year, the square is completely flooded, so depending on whether you want to experience the Acqua Alta, you might be lucky or not, depending on when you visit the city.
Restaurant & Bar in Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy


Restaurant & Bar in Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy
