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58th Golden Horse Awards | Performace Animation Design

58th Golden Horse Award 第58屆金馬獎 |Performace Animation Design 表演動畫設計
金馬獎是華語影壇歷史最悠久的電影獎項,亦是華人電影創作的最高榮譽 。自1962年創立以來,獎勵了無數優秀華語影片及電影工作者。很榮幸固態影像承接第58屆金馬獎表演動畫設計,以舞台設計為基底,將畫面使用發揮至最大化,配合特殊與複雜的舞台結構,在四段截然不同的演出中,將動畫與舞台結合出四種不同風格使用。
The Golden Horse Awards is the oldest film award in the Chinese film industry and the highest honor for Chinese film production. 
Since 1962, it has honored numerous outstanding Chinese films and filmmakers. It is our honor to take over the 58th Golden Horse Awards for the performance animation design, based on the stage design, we combine the animation with the stage in 4 different performances in 4 different styles.
EggPlantEgg "Oh Love, You Are Much Greater Than I Imagined"
The familiar "Taiwan Romance" movie and the flashing neon light strips of Taiwan, together with the three-dimensional structure of the stage, we rebuild the classic scenes in the movie (bowling alley and ice fruit room), presenting the persistence and romance of the movie songs with the flickering of light boxes and ambient lights.
Waa Wei "Transformer"
The slant of the filmmaker and the musician. We transform the stage structure from square into a fantasy magic square-like scene, using the flow of geometric shapes, presenting a sense of surprise and constant psychedelia.
Eve Ai "One Such As"
Cascading buildings in the black and white hand-painted style, It presents the loneliness of modern people who wrapped in a tough exterior. Between intertwined walkways, the dark and light changes from the window, and the weather changes, we recall the memories of Guo Qinqin and Zhao Shuwei and their regrets in the movie of "I Missed You".
張清芳 《一生摯愛》
Stella Chang "My Beloved"
Movies never defeat. This song is a tribute to all the filmmakers. Under soft golden lines, gold particles, showing the love to movies in each era and reminiscence of the filmmakers who passed away.
客戶 Client  : 台灣文化部、臺北市政府、台北金馬影展執行委員
製作公司 Production team : 源活娛樂
動畫設計 Animation Design : 固態影像Live 

58th Golden Horse Awards | Performace Animation Design


58th Golden Horse Awards | Performace Animation Design
