Mia Salonen's profile

Experience design (Aero)

Experience Design (Aero)
Oh my! did this project feel like an attack on my entire existence. I grappled with many different ideas in the early stages but struggled to narrow it down. I then worked by hand (with clay), on Blender, and then on aero to create my beloved 'Screaming kettle'. However, it was not this simple. After a steep learning curve of a few different programs, Aero really played games with me. In the end, I spent 2 whole days troubleshooting why my object would not open on a mobile device through Aero and I felt defeated. By some Miracle, I remembered my housemate has a new iPad and thought to give it one last shot and ta-da it worked! I have no idea how but I was over the moon. I will also be giving myself a sabbatical from Aero for the foreseeable future or until the bugs are fixed.
Process work
Experience design (Aero)

Experience design (Aero)


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