The human face is full of colors, shades, tints, and tones, and it made for an interesting color study. I focused on looking for the dark and light areas, where there was the most saturation in a face, and what kinds of color groupings there were in facial anatomy.
Monochrome: I used orange as my focus color. For this color scheme, the main study was on shades and tints. I limited myself to one color so that my attention could be on where the dark and light areas were, where the saturation was, and how the planes of the face affected these. 
Complementary: I used yellow and blue as my hues, again playing with lighting, shades, and planes of the face. I could also experiment with cold and warm areas.
Split Complementary: Here, I put into practice skills learned from monochrome study and complementary study. Placing shades and tints came much more naturally the third time around, and I could focus on the actual color zones of a human face, trying to stick to a very warm center with a cold color on bottom and a lighter warmth on top. 
Color Studies

Color Studies


Creative Fields