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Lavender Care: Growing Lavender In Alberta Winter

Lavender Care: Growing Lavender In Alberta Winter
The wonderful perennial bloom lavender is a fantastic plant to use in your garden to entice butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. This native of the Mediterranean region is now cultivated, appreciated, and grown all over the world. Plant them close to your herb garden, in a perennial flower area, or in containers wherever you can smell them. You'll be delighted with the beauty and use of the lavender plants in your yard if you follow our advice to cultivate them!

We don't often have to deal with difficult growing conditions of any kind because Sequim is the Lavender Capital of North America because of its excellent lavender climate. However, given how frozen the Midwest is right now due to the polar vortex. 

First, even though it frequently dips below zero during the winter, you may grow lavender in your yard. However, it will require a little more consideration and care. Because most lavender varieties are native to the Mediterranean region, they will thrive in warm, dry, temperate climates (hardiness zones 7-9). However, it doesn't follow that you can't persuade others to share your enthusiasm for your Minnesota garden.

When determining which varieties of lavender will thrive in your growing region, there are four main categories to consider. These include the following kinds: English lavender, French lavender, Lavandin (crosses between French and English lavender varieties), and "other lavenders," which include wild plants and breeding program outliers. Have a look here Romaniaig.ro to know more:

Basic Growing Tips

Here are some basic lavender tips to keep in mind for lavender, regardless of what zone you're in:

●    Place your lavender where it will receive at least 6 hours per day of direct sunlight because lavender loves light.
●    Lavender dislikes water, and root rot is one of the most frequent causes of lavender death in home gardens. Make sure your lavender plants have plenty of drainage holes.
●    Lavender prefers open spaces, so create lots of them for air to flow and to keep the plants dry, particularly in humid conditions.

Planting Lavender in Cold Climates

Advice on growing lavender outdoors in colder climates

●    Lavender should not be planted outside until all threat of frost has gone in your region.
●    Because there is less time between "don't water" and "I'm dying of thirst," young lavender plants need to be watered more frequently than adult plants. Young lavender plants, on the other hand, should never be overwatered; instead, they should always hold off on more irrigation until the soil is totally dry.
●    Always prune plants back in the fall (see our recommendations on pruning); careful pruning will help the plant build a strong woody foundation and a solid root system. The plant will be better able to tolerate tough conditions if its roots are strong.
●    If you don't obtain a good, dependable snow cover, protect your plants from the wind and cold temperatures by mulching the bases of your plants with pea gravel or covering the plants themselves with breathable fabric (like burlap or gardening blanket fabric).

Remove the covering in the spring when it starts to warm up.

Planting Lavender as an Annual

Lavender can always be grown as an annual rather than a perennial and allowed to wither throughout the winter. This marketing strategy, however, will either result in you having significantly small/new plants each year, or you'll need to buy large, expensive plants every year to replace them, as the plants won't grow very large or produce many flowers until they are 2-3 years old. I advise planting in containers rather than the ground if you don't have enough snow cover and lack the patience to worry about covering the plants.


There are undoubtedly many variations, so it could take a few tries to find the ideal mix of tips to keep your lavender healthy during the bitter winters. As always, let us know if you have any questions, and especially leave a comment if you have any more advice for successfully overwintering lavender that we may have overlooked. Keep toasty outside!
Lavender Care: Growing Lavender In Alberta Winter

Lavender Care: Growing Lavender In Alberta Winter
