An online business developed at ID Branding 
Belacord wasn't even Belacord when our client came to us. It was a business plan and a vision for bringing divorce mediation to the internet. The team at ID Branding developed a brand platform, named the company, created the brand's visual vocabulary, and established the brand's voice.

Then we built a web site with an experience that our strategic research told us our audiences wanted. If ever there was a beautiful co-conspiracy between the disciplines of creative, account, and strategy, this was it. 

The whole idea is that different people will come to Belacord with different needs, based on where they are on a continuum of decision-making. We learned that the instigator of a divorce often spends between 2 and 5 years thinking about it first. The key for Belacord is to show its usefulness no matter where in the decision process our customers are.

Hence the home page design. We also decided we needed to give customers a safe, private "place" online to do their thinking and research. So we came up with the idea of My Room, which each customer gets as soon as they sign on. The Belacord Library and Belapedia give customers deep sources of information to help them in their deliberations.

Once a couple is ready to work together on negotiating a divorce agreement, we give them a common work space called Our Work Room. Belacord offers both online tools for reaching an agreement, as well as both real-time Guides to consult and certified mediators to work with.

My role: creative director, experience concepter, copywriter.



Online business


Creative Fields