Change is good. No longer does the so-called ‘first world’ lead the way.

We, the nations of the New World, are creating the future, and we are immensely proud of it.

To lead the delivery of a bold, new digital world to our customers, we
celebrate our achievements in a modern, contemporary style commercial.

MTN is always at the centre of technological change, without ever
claiming it as our own. Instead we give credit to the nation – our customers.

Connected, we change for good.
Connected, we brighten the future of our customers.
Connected, we create possibilities.

Welcome to the New World.

Welcome, welcome to my country
My country the land of joy, from the land of goodness i'm calling
Progress is in our hands in all aspects
And the mobile is always with us no matter what happens
In our gathering we share tunes and news
We communicate in millions, and we're always growing
In our advancing, in our liberation, in our progress we triumph
From Sanaa Land of Noah, till Shebam the oldest city
Our country is the country of civilization    

Welcome to the New World,
It’s a new day now,
Welcome to the New World,
Gonna take you away now
We gather in millions and each has a story to tell
Our words are different and yet we all talk about the same values
Progress is our language in every corner of our country
Innovation is our habit, and there’s benefit in all our communication
Share after share, we’re always busy on the internet
Football unites us in our Sudan and in nostalgia
Raise your ambition and widen your dreams
Tell your story, enjoy your life, and “Like” all what you want
Welcome to the New World,
It’s a new day now,
Welcome to the New World,
Gonna take you away now
We are a generation.
Connected everywhere and very fast.
Welcome to our country of braves
We have mobiles like our poem and words.
Happy games, competition and heroism.
Also proud of being Afghan.

Welcome to the New World,
It’s a new day now,
Welcome to the New World,
Gonna take you away now
My City, My Tune
My City, My Clip
Inspired by your city make your own music and clip.
MTN | Telecom


MTN | Telecom

A 360 degree campaign for MTN Afghanistan, Sudan and Yemen. A whole concept from scratch. Worked on the Ads visual and TVC. Connected, we believ Read More
