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Checklists to Prepare Research Paper Outline Template

Checklists to Prepare Research Paper Outline Template
Introduction to Template of a Research Paper

Writing a research paper is a challenge that plagues many academics and is frequently viewed as time-consuming. This task is typically viewed as an impending threat by researchers, who avoid it and put it off until they can no longer. With the help of seniors and the internet, they are able to compose a paper that receives numerous changes. causing researchers to lose the grasp of their research and its findings. In this blog, we'll talk about how to write a structured research paper outline, which will help a researcher write their paper efficiently. 

What Is an Outline for a Research Paper?

The fundamental structure for creating an academic research paper is the outline. It is formatted in IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). The format, however, differs according to the kind of research manuscript

Title: Editors, reviewers, and readers can quickly recognize the document and the author thanks to the crucial information on the title page. Additionally, it gives a general summary of the research area to which the study belongs.

Abstract: The abstract is the most significant part of the document and will assist the researcher in developing a thorough research paper plan. To be more explicit, the editor decides whether or not to send the paper to reviewers based on the abstract, which functions as a kind of advertisement for the researcher's work.

Initialization:  An introduction is a background statement that explains the research's context and methodology. It elaborates on the need to fill the knowledge gap and defines the problem statement using the literature review as support.

Technique: Depending on the type of journal, this part is typically referred to as "Materials and Methods," "Experiments," or "Patients and Methods." Complete details about the research techniques are provided in this goal. Researchers should clearly describe the materials they used and how they were used in their research.

Results:  Wherever possible, it is ideal to provide results as tables and figures. Avoid writing the same thing again, and make sure the paragraph includes a summary of the results. Include suitable descriptive statistics in your report of the results. 
Reference:- Desklib
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Checklists to Prepare Research Paper Outline Template

Checklists to Prepare Research Paper Outline Template
