A meeting place with coffee, lunch, work spaces, terrace, chill spots and take-away. Sounds good, right? Well, that's what The Villy is all about. They combine the best of village and city life. The Villy has opened their doors already in Bos & Lommer in Amsterdam, but soon you'll also find one in The Hague and Rotterdam. 

Our starting point for the identity where vintage wayfinding signs (like in France) and old Dutch tiles with expressions on them. We gave those a modern twist. Urban, yet cozy. The foundation of the identity is set black & white, complemented by fresh, colourful illustrations with a twist. ​​​​​​​

interior: Pubblik & Vos
strategy: Mare Nieborg, Social Safari
photography: Mark Kuipers, Phenster | instagram @thevilly
The Villy


The Villy
