Ave Maria
A social experiment I did due to my penchant for drawing controversial illustrations.
This one represent orthodoxy and the other represent heresy.
I fancy Virgin Mary because she is a powerful figure for woman empowerment. Therefore, I enjoy painting her beautifully!
The Worshipper 
The Worshipper is one of The Schism Series that represents heresy.
Yet the true meaning of this symbolic painting is liberty & freedom.
My art is a moment where I have nothing to hide even my mind.
My art is my right to speak without getting judged on the process of making it.
As the result of my experiment, Ave Maria. brings a 'virtuous' image to my parents & family. On the other hand, The Worshipper had a perplexed reaction.
© 2022 redbeanniu
The Schism Series

The Schism Series
