UX Concepts for a Finishline.com project. Desktop and Mobile High Resolution Comps of Promotional Banners and Email Design.
Email Design for a FinishLine Back to School Promotion.
 Mobile View of The Finish Line Home Page
User Experience for an internal/secure Spectra Logic Mini-Site.

My role as designer included:
UI/UX of a drupal 6 based site
Identity Design and Branding
Front End Design (HTML/CSS)

Since it's a secure site, this is all you get. DS3 Development Center Home.
The Redesign of Spectralogic.com. The goal of the web based app is to be both a end-user research tool as well as a powerful way to demonstrate our product capablities in sales presentations.

Below are User Pathways, Wireframes and High Resolution Comps of the future spectralogic.com
Tablet and Mobile Wire Frames and High Resolution Comps for the new spectralogic.com
High Resolution Comp for a web app concept for Le Brea Bakery. Comparing Bread Selections with a library of existing recipes.


From conception to completion. Building the new secure developer site for Spectra Logic's Deep Storage Solution (DS3) BlackPearl. The project inc Read More
