Puppy Dog Pals - Hissy Chibi

Here is my artwork about Hissy the purple tabby cat!!

Hissy is the pet cat of Bob and one of the main characters in Puppy Dog Pals. She is the older sister to Bingo and Rolly.

Hissy lives with BingoBob, and Rolly. Hissy is a sarcastic striped purple cat. Sometimes she ends up going on adventures with Bingo and Rolly, her pug brothers. In "A Pyramid Scheme", Hissy comes with them to Egypt, wanting to be warm after a cold day. In "Bob Loves Mona," after a series of events, Hissy accidentally ends up in China, with the pugs. Later on, she is mistaken for a doll by a girl, and shipped to her neighborhood, which happens to be Bob's neighborhood. A.R.F. finds the package next to Bob's house, and pulls Hissy out of it. She is voiced by Jessica DiCicco, who voiced Toby on two other Disney Junior shows, Sheriff Callie's Wild West and The Lion Guard.

She belongs to Puppy Dog Pals.
Copyrights 2017, Disney Junior

Puppy Dog Pals - Hissy Chibi

Puppy Dog Pals - Hissy Chibi

Hissy belongs to Puppy Dog Pals. She is the only one sarcastic but sisterly cat who has a full of sass, she's from Puppy Dog Pals and she's voice Read More
