Morgan Jaynes's profile

Land of the Midnight Sun

Majestic Mountains
See...There's still beauty all around, even on a not so beautiful day - Anchorage, Alaska
On the way to driving to the middle of nowhere... Alaska
I mean...just look at this view! - Alaska
This is our Alaskan beach...
Barely above zero here... - Alaska
My beautiful beach... - Somewhere in Alaska
Beauty is in everything, you just have to have the right perspective... - Frozen Alaska
The beloved giant rock at Beluga Point on the highway... - Alaska
I'll never get tired of this view...ever - Alaska
"Stereotypical Alaskans" 
Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet - Alaska
Beautiful day...even if it's hard;y zero degees - Alaska
Crazy clouds... - Alaska
The lovely landscapes of Alaska at it's finest
Up close and personal... - Alaska
This is what happens when I drive aimlessly...I find a reason and sieze it. - Alaska 
Beautiful Alaskan Landscape
Cook Inlet - Near Girdwood, Alaska 
Land of the Midnight Sun

Land of the Midnight Sun

A collection of photographs from the beautiful landscapes I see daily in the amazing state of Alaska. I want to show you what I capture through m Read More
