Cinetre Media's profile

Cinegraph Exercise

For my second exercise experimenting with new media's, I created a Cinegraph of my cat Henry, licking his paw. I started filming various subjects outside, using my Fuji X Pro 2 and a tripod to film. Looking through my footage, I needed to find a point where the actions of Henry could be looped. He was licking himself for a while but some frames he moved too much or it wouldn't make a seamless loop, as he's quick and jolts in his nature. 

While editing, I had to make a few attempts to find the best movement, and frames to achieve a loop. I duplicated the footage and changed the opacity of the second clip. I had to adjust the mask a few times, by masking his head and part of the ground, as the clip needed the movement of his shadow and foot, to make the loop work. 

Viewing the Cinegraph, the movement of the loop looks jolty, as his movement was quick, which makes the loop more visible. However is a decent attempt of making this particular loop. I manipulated the aesthetic of the gif, to fix up the lighting and to add more depth. 

After learning and experimenting with Cinegraph's, I will put more consideration into the subject, and the moving aspect to achieve a more seamless, and appealing loop. 
Cinegraph Exercise

Cinegraph Exercise


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