Globo ID

Back in 2019, Globo, a major Brazilian Network TV channel, invited Vetor/Lobo to develop a new brand animation guide for its internal designs.
The main challenge was to illustrate the promenade of a clean whitish circle along a transparent plate, leaving as a trail some vibrant and colorful engraved strokes. At the same time, we had to keep in mind all the audio track and maintain the pace, to think of the entire video as a unique piece.
We had a multidisciplinary frontline team to explore and develop some animation tests. At the beginning of the process, we had to create tools to do a boolean cut on the 3d meshes using Houdini, Cinema 4d, and After Effects.

Concept art by Gabi Maluf


Full credits
Executive producer: Alberto Lopes, Sergio Salles
Atendimento: Camila Carrieri, Márcia Guimarães
Producers: Eduardo Silva, Ricardo Vaz

Direction: Fábio Acorsi
Art Direction: Fábio Acorsi
Concepts: Gabriela Maluf
Motion Design: Bruno Menegatti, Chico Beraldo
Houdini: Xan Yamamoto, Rogério Miyagi
Rendering & Composition: Bruno Menegatti, Chico Beraldo 
Globo ID