Daniel Jutson's profile

World School: Polomobile

Polomobile Avatar for the Adventure Map for kids learning app Marco Polo: World School. 

The purpose of the Adventure Map was to provide curated learning subjects and give a visual representation of the child's learning adventure progress. I was responsible for the 3D art direction and asset production of the Adventure Map, which was designed with a pop-up book/toy aesthetic in mind.

The polomobile itself served as a visual avatar/ marker that helped kids navigate the map. 

The model required 4 additional vehicle states that it could quickly transform into in realtime based on the map themes it was travelling through.

The model, textures and animations were created from an original concept designed by the Creative Director. Environmental elements in this work are Adventure Map assets also created by myself, with supporting illustrative textures provided by the superbly talented Marco Polo illustration team.
Polovan Turnaround
Polovan Celebration Animation Mockup
Van To Plane Transformation
Poloplane Turnaround
Poloplane Celebration Animation Mockup
Plane To Sub Transformation
Polosub Celebration Animation Mockup
Polosub Turnaround
Sub To Buggy Transformation
Polobuggy Turnaround
Polobuggy Celebration Animation Mockup
Buggy To Shuttle Turnaround
Poloshuttle Turnaround
Poloshuttle Celebration Animation Mockup
Polomobile Wireframe
Polomobile Adventure Map Mockup
World School: Polomobile