Rajan Bhatt's profile

ClosureFast Treatment for Efficiently Addressing

Active in the Scottsdale, Arizona, medical community, Dr. Rajan Bhatt leads care centers that provide plastic surgery and care for venous and dermatologic conditions. One procedure that Dr. Rajan Bhatt and his team regularly perform is ClosureFast for those with chronic venous insufficiency.
Developed by Medtronic, the minimally invasive ClosureFast approach employs radiofrequency energy to precisely target varicose veins. The outpatient procedure begins with the physician using ultrasound to guide a thermal catheter into the diseased vein via a minute access site.
After a locally numbing anesthetic is applied, the thermal catheter delivers heat within the vein. Applied heat closes the compromised vein, which then redirects the flow of blood into healthy veins. Removing the catheter then shrinks and “heat seals” the vein, and a multilayer compression wrap is applied from groin to foot. In most cases, patients are able to resume normal activities within a few days of the procedure.

ClosureFast Treatment for Efficiently Addressing

ClosureFast Treatment for Efficiently Addressing
