Casa 3x9
Designing my own ideal house on a 32 square meters plot. 
How do I inhabit space? What type of spaces do I need? How to optimize those spaces?
The challenge of this project was designing my own ideal house on a narrow plot, of unconventional dimensions for a residential building. 
Image: Front Elevation render.
The plot currently functions as a tiny warehouse for the mansion of the Departmental Club of Arequipa, located in the historic district of Jesús María, in front of Plazuela Belgica.
Video: Surrounding environment animation. View from Plazuela Bélgica.
Image: Plot site.
For the concept, I identified the small rituals that I carry out in my day to day life and materialized them into spaces. The distribution of the house responds to the priority I give to these rituals and spaces. 

The main design strategy is the use of the open plan and the polyvalence of architectural elements to optimize the space. For this reason, the environments are not delimited by partitions but by curtains or translucent elements, which allow fluid spaces to be generated and make the most of lighting and ventilation in a narrow area. The staircase is the main polyvalent element, which serves as a multiple storage shelf for the entire house.
Left image: Concept collage.
Right image: Spaces, activities and conditioning diagram.
Image: Polyvalent staircase.
Image: Surrounding environment and urban skyline.
The facade rescues and reinterprets elements of the surrounding environment, such as the fence and the angles that can be seen in both mansions adjoining the project. Primary colors were used to highlight specific elements and volumes of the house.
Left image: Conceptual sketches.
Right image: Architectural models.
Images: Room views.
Casa 3x9


Casa 3x9

My own ideal house in a narrow plot.
