For the Holiday 2010 season, Sears invited you to “Be the Santa” through a national campaign that included TV commercials, billboards and display ads — and also an Apple iAd. I lead the design team on the iAd project to create an engaging mobile experience that fit within the larger campaign.
The concept driving the campaign was the idea of different kinds of “Santas” to represent different approaches to holiday shopping — each personified by a different character and model.
In the app, the characters functioned as user avatars.
Explorations included spinning a wreath to find gift suggestions based on personality types, a randomized gift selection tool, a memory matching game and hidden object game — both of which had coupon codes as prizes.
My role: Creative Lead
Agency: The Barbarian Group
Client: Sears
Be the Santa iAd

Be the Santa iAd

Custom mobile app for a major national retailer
