Łukasz Wodyński's profile

EXZISTANCES painting 2011

Fine Arts

20 x 40 cm / 35 cm & 7 x 45 cm / 40 cm, oil on canvas
"Exzistances is a series of paintings presenting the individual manner of existing of the man, the tragic quality of human existence, included in the dissonance between making aware oneself of the own finiteness and desire for the infinity. Played figures at Łukasz's images are experiencing their being in the tragic way. Their overfilled faces are anxiety and the pessimism, resulting most probably from losing and the solitude. Every of these forms was in a dead-end situation, limited by the own finiteness. Every chose other road of her existence and every got stuck in the blind alley, not being able to find neither the meaning nor the value. "
Ma Lena Wasielewska – portrayed 2011
EXZISTANCES painting 2011

EXZISTANCES painting 2011



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