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Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH)

What You Should Know About Cybersecurity and Certified Ethical Hacking

Since the world has become more virtual than we might have ever imagined, we are more susceptible to online scams. Every online activity is traceable. Even though not all of these traces are harmful, some criminals might use such data against us to virtually steal information or money from us or work against an organisation to destroy it. All this falls under ‘Cybercrime’ that has become widespread and is causing a lot of anxiety among users. Cybercrimes have already consumed 0.8% of the World's GDP.
Virtual reality has made everything easily accessible. We cannot differentiate what is beneficial or harmful for our systems, software, and even our networks. If you own a smartphone with an active internet connection, you can surely fall prey to cybercrimes that are on the rise. Cybersecurity will protect all IT assets from cyber-attacks. Not only do the organisations’ assets need to be protected but also the end-users. Among the only surefire ways to protect against cybercrimes is cybersecurity, wherein candidates having CEH certification training can make the things smoother.
If you want to know more about this, keep reading, I promise you the necessary information and the best resources to help you build a successful career in this highly sought-after field.

The Basics of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is the combination of processes, technologies, and controls that protect systems, data, devices, and networks against cyberattacks. It is also alternatively called IT Security. In simpler terms, it is the practice of protecting systems, networks, technologies, mobile devices and data from unauthorised attacks. It is a comprehensive concept and encloses a few categories; for example
● Application security
● Network security: to secure the network from malware
● Information security: protects the data; in transit as well as in storage.
● Cloud security
● Mobile security
● End-user security: making people beware of threats from unknown USBs, mails, and messages
Hackers are of three types as per the intention of their hackings. They are black hat, white hat, and grey hat.
● Black hat hackers are the criminals who hack for theft and to invade privacy.
● White hat or ethical hackers are those who legally hack systems to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
● Grey hat hackers are a combination of both who hack not to steal but just for fun and entertainment.
White Hat or Ethical Hacking
Ethical hacking is a component of cybersecurity wherein the ethical hackers find the drawbacks and vulnerabilities in the systems and report immediately to the respective authority of the organisation.
How to become a Certified Ethical Hacker?
Ethical hacking is a great career option. You need to have a vast knowledge of the IT industry. As a certified ethical hacker, you will deal with cybersecurity breaches concerning cyber laws. You’ll be lawfully building an effective security wall to protect the organisation's network. The CEH certification training is the best investment one can make.
CEH Certification
The Certified Ethical Hacker Certification by the EC council is the widely trusted certification and the most recommended by professionals globally. The CEH Certification originated in 2003. It has been considered a standard in the information security community since then. It will enable you to perform penetration testing on systems and identify the weaknesses. The CEH v11 is the most popular training program currently. The certification exam consists of 125 multiple choice questions that you need to solve within 4 hours.
Certified Ethical Hacker online training in NYC
The Certified Ethical Hacking online courses can make you a highly-skilled ethical hacker. Vinsys offers one such digital program. It is an EC Council accredited Certified Ethical Hacking Training will boost your career in lawful hacking. 24*7 access to learning resources will help you master your skills from the comfort of your homes. This CEH online course is divided into elaborate modules to make learning easier for you. Modules include footprinting, reconnaissance, access, enumeration, system hacking, vulnerability analysis, and the relevant things in the latest v11. Hacking of IoT devices and wireless networks, scanning networks & malware threats, session hijacking, SQL injection, cloud computing, and cryptography are the areas of focus. You’ll gain the expertise to inspect and detect malware and vulnerabilities and prevent data stealth from your organisation.

You must follow a systematic approach to become an ethical hacker and justify your credentials. The CEH online course by Vinsys will provide you with enough knowledge of hacking phases, attacks, and the best preventive countermeasures.
Roles of an Ethical Hacker
To begin with, you need to get a certificate/degree in the field of computer science, followed by an A+ certification by the CompTIA. Vinsys will help you out with it. After that, Network Support or Network Engineer shall be your roles in an organisation. To monitor, update and install security programs and do the required testing of the system from time to time shall be your priorities. If you want to become a successful Network Engineer, CISSP, Security+, and TISCA are the certifications you need to acquire. Vinsys provides you with everything. Enroll yourself in the program and give your career the desired boost.
A cyber-attack takes place every 39 seconds. Hackers have stolen 14.4 billion identities in 2018. They have already found their way into government and IT infrastructure. Companies in the financial business, health sector and national security are at a higher risk too. Hence, there is an increase in demand for certified ethical hackers. Cybersecurity is a trending career option and it is time to polish your skills and enter the arena. Organisations require qualified ethical hackers to safeguard their data and networks. Vinsys assures you a higher level of ability. The v11 certified ethical hacker online training in NYC will equip you with the latest skills, techniques, and tools. These skills will make you think like a hacker and help you break into security systems to implement the necessary countermeasures. It is high time you grab your CEH certification from Vinsys, and head towards a brighter future.
Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH)

Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH)


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