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AbdulMalik Negedu: Controlling Negative Thoughts

AbdulMalik Negedu on Controlling Negative Thoughts and Overthinking with Meditation & Spirituality
At some time in our lives, most of us indulge in negative thinking and engage in overthinking. We keep thinking about our pasts and futures and fretting about ourselves. These unwanted and negative thoughts make us feel stuck in a virtual prison. Every person who overthinks needs to know the unreality of these negative thoughts and mental scenarios, which captures the attention and incapacitates productive action.
AbdulMalik Negedu mentions that overthinking colors our perspectives and makes us feel heavy. An overthinker always keeps on experiencing their life situation through the lens of bad past experiences, sufferings, and negative thoughts.
If we ever find ourselves overcome by negative thoughts and feeling stressed, we should take a short break and think of something other than the source of our stress; we should think about what makes us happy and brings peace to our lives. This helps in diverting our minds from negativity to positivity.
AbdulMalik Negedu: Controlling Negative Thoughts

AbdulMalik Negedu: Controlling Negative Thoughts


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