Glen Sanders's profile

Tasmanian Birdlife

Tasmanian Birdlife
Tasmania was cutoff from Australia between 8,000 - 12,000 years ago due to rising sea levels. Separation of Tasmania from mainland Australia has allowed vulnerable native animals to survive free of foxes. 
These photos are of both native and introduced species.

Rainbow Lorikeet
Tasmanian Rainbow Lorikeet in a Red Bottle Brush Tree 2022, @350mm, F7.1, 1/1000, ISO3200
The Rainbow Lorikeet has been introduced to Tasmania. It has vivid plumage with colours that stand out from the background. These birds are very successful and are quite aggressive towards other species. They are able to dominate and chase off much larger birds such as the white Cockatoos that are 4-5 time the size!  

Superb Fairy-Wren
Superb Fairy Wren @500mm, F8.0, 1/500, ISO2000
Superb Fairy Wrens are a common sight in south east Australia. They are energetic birds often found darting around scrubland looking for insects. They are wonderful visitors that brighten up many suburban gardens!

Pacific Black Duck
Pacific Black Ducks are a common sight in waterways around Australia, often seen in pairs.

Black Currawong
Black Currawong @186mm, F5.0, 1/200, ISO2500
The Black Currawong is endemic to Tasmania. The are a member of the Jay family which is omnivorous and has a diet that includes diet includes a variety of berries, invertebrates, and small vertebrates. They spend time foraging on the ground in the leaf litter.

Green Rosella
The Green Rosella is endemic to Tasmania. They are generally herbivorous, feeding on seeds, nuts and berries. It is common to see them on the ground foraging for seeds. The live in small flocks up to about 20 birds and are noisy when in trees but silent on the ground.

Masked Lapwing
Masked Lapwings are a ground living bird that are native to Australia. The leading edge of the wing has a sharp spur which can be used as a weapon. The Masked Lapwings are docile for most of the year except for the breeding season when a parent will sit on a nest in an open paddock until the eggs hatch. The adults will then defend the young with an aggressive aerial display and swooping attacks on potential predators.

Australian Pied Cormorant
The Australia Pied Cormorant is a medium sized cormorant that is a common sight on Australian waters. The bird specialises in under water fishing, it uses it long neck as a coiled spring to ambush fish. When the birds are wet, taking off from the water can be quite a challenge and often takes more than one attempt!

Pied Oystercatcher
Pied Oystercatchers @500mm, F7.1, 1/500, ISO320
The Pied Oystercatcher is a shorebird that is commonly found wading in waters around Australia. This pair were in the brackish water at the mouth of a small river in southern Tasmania.

Thanks for taking the time to look at these photos and please comment. Look forward to chatting soon!


Tasmanian Birdlife

Tasmanian Birdlife
