My work process 
I sketch a lot, over and over every time some new detail comes to my mind, that has always been a fundamental part of my work.
Don’t be afraid of add some big modifications when you’re already working on the line art. 
Modifications, sketching and more modifications. 
During the time I have been doing digital art, the use of contrast is something I strive to improve, my first illustrations looked flat in terms of color and volume.
It’s not just light and shadow, it's dramatic effect.
Contrast and color are a formula, not just two steps independent of each other.
Gold, fabric, skin, hair, details if you look from afar but strokes of color if you look closely. 
Practice is necessary but sometimes I’m just not in the mood. One way to be motivated to do is trying different styles, also that is one of my favorite practice, I’m a big fan of ATLA and the style used in the series. 
My work process


My work process
