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Grasshopper Scientific Illustration Sheet

Gafanhoto (grasshopper)

Reino (kingdom): Animalia
Divisão (division): Neoptera
Filo (phylum): Arthropoda
Classe (class): Insecta
Subclasse (subclass): Pterygota
Ordem (order): Orthoptera
Subordem (suborder): Caelifera

Carateristicas das Asas: As asas posteriores são membranosas e em forma de leque. Comparadas com as tégminas (asas anteriores), o par posterior contribui três vezes mais para a sustentação do voo. Ambos pares fornecem caracteres diagnósticos que auxiliam na identificação das espécies.

Wing Characteristics: The hind wings are membranous and fan-shaped. Compared with the tegmina, the hind pair contribute three times as much to flight lift. Both pairs afford diagnostic characters that aid in the identification of species. 

Grasshopper Scientific Illustration Sheet


Grasshopper Scientific Illustration Sheet


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