Joe Schmidt's profile

"The Full Story" Microsite and Ads

Since 2006 years Reach has partnered with National Geographic to execute countless co-branded microsites, banner campaigns, and online sweepstakes promotions. These campaigns range from small microsites, to immersive responsive sites, to multi-phase photography contests that require ongoing maintenance.
This partnership has given Reach exposure to high-profile brands such as Jeep, Coca-Cola, Glenfiddich, Honda, Hyatt, Jeep, Lexus, Montana, Paramount, Nikon, Nokia, Pacifico Beer, Paramount Pictures, Shell, Subaru, Rolex and countless others.
"The Full Story" Microsite and Ads

"The Full Story" Microsite and Ads

Microsite and Online Advertising for National Geographic and Nikon's "Full Story" Photo Contest
