Muzixiii Studio's profile

ROG Phone 6

3D Motion

For Those Who Dare

Muzixiii Studio is honoured to produce the latest released ROG PHONE 6 product video. 

This time, Muzixiii Studio used different techniques to present the most vivid 3D scene by filming in the LED Virtual Studio with the rebuilding scene in Unreal Engine. The actor can perform in the most vivid environment.
Product Video

Final Frames

Key Visual

process of key visual


Animatic & Final

Making Of

Unreal Engine Process

Behind the Scene
We film the product video in  LED Virtual Studio. The virtual environment can be completed in real-time by using 2200 LED panels to splice out a 270-degree annular screen wall with a zenith. Thanks for all the effort from the team.

Client  | ASUS ROG
Production House |  Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director  | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
Storyboard Artist | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai
3D Artist  | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai、佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、易鴻耀 Tom Yi​​​​​​​、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、劉奕宏 Solar Liu
江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Compositing | 白宗穎 Zongying Bai、駱厚安 Hoan Luo、劉奕宏 Solar Liu、
劉潁聲 Yingsheng Liu
聲音製作/Music & Sound Production | 紋聲音樂 WinSound Studio
音樂/Original Music | 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
聲音設計/Sound Design | 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
混音/Score Mixer & Dubbing Mixer | 林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin


名單導演組 | 曹書睿、 李芹羽、駱厚安、謝宜家、徐子恒、佟紹魁、白宗穎
攝影組 | 謝宗諭、王士偉、王少謙、王嘉元
燈光組 | 楊景浩、陳繹閎、呂佑凱、王學學、林瑋鈞
造型組 | 陳亞琦
特道組 | 張以昕、張惟聖、謝政霖、許媛婷
製片組 | 陳芊如、葉鑑濤、許智翔、范子薺、黃彥瑜
演員 | ALEX
經紀 | 柳順唐
現場紀錄 | 林湛森、許汀誼

世新智能攝製基地|鄭旭峰 邱子杭 劉乃瑋
ROG Phone 6

ROG Phone 6
