The Waves 🌬️

Inspired by ukiyo-e artist : Katsusika Hokusai piece - The Great Wave Off Kanagawa.

Ukiyo (浮 ) can be interpreted as a world and also Ukiyo-e's life is classified as graphic art, which is one of the developments of painting techniques in Japan. At that time, Ukiyo-e started as a group of painters' dissatisfaction due to subject restrictions in the flow of painting. This action of dissatisfaction was marked by the shift in painting techniques using the nick-cut technique on wooden slats, aiming to reproduce or reprint his paintings. The themes of Ukiyo-e paintings are generally themed about everyday people's lives, natural situations and landscapes.

His prints are among the most reproduced and most instantly recognizable works of art in the world.
The influence of Japanese art on Western culture is known as Japonism.

Japanese woodblock prints were a source of inspiration for artists in many genres, especially the Impressionists. Hokusai was seen as a symbolic Japanese artist and the drawings from his prints and books influenced many different works. Vincent van Gogh, an admirer of Hokusai, praised the image quality and use of line in Great Wave, and said it had a terrifying emotional impact.


