Kirtana Jawahar's profile

Inner Child- Tattoo Art

Inner Child
Digital art

I am on the journey of self-improvement. 
It is my duty to protect my inner child. She deserved better. More love, more kindness and more security. The world is a harsh place and she was delicate. Her emotions were invalidated, she felt small and scared. Insecure. She was labelled "too sensitive", "weak", "finnicky", "loser", "needs to chill", and many more. She fell into patterns of self-sabotage.

Now as an adult, I realized that she was so more than those labels. She radiated softness. Sweet and bright. Like a sunflower. And I will show up for her. Stand up for her against the world and my inner-saboteur. There is no compromising on her happiness and safety anymore. Because nobody else can fill that space for her. Except me. 

 This tattoo represents me breaking barriers of unhealthy patterns, silencing my inner saboteur and showering my inner child with love, compassion and safety. 

Inner Child- Tattoo Art

Inner Child- Tattoo Art
