Evie Spencer's profile

Fragment Typeface -Architectural Type & Experimentation

Creating a Typeface - Architectural Type
Fragment Typeface - Architectural type & Experimentations

Fragment is a typeface created in response to the architectural structures that created the IWM Manchester building. The type follows the same concept as the buildings creation, designed by architect Daniel Libeskind. Libeskind wanted the building to be a symbol of the effects of war, so he came up with the concept of a globe shattered into three pieces – and though it's been put back together,  it will never be the same again. The IWM North is made up of the EarthShard, WaterShard and the AirShard – a piece of the building to represent conflict on land, sea and in the air.

The typeface is created using three shapes and following a rule of having three shapes included in the letters design wherever possible.
Type used in context to promote event at IWM Manchester - PICTURED: Flyers & Tickets
Small 5x5cm book displaying typefaces created in the experimental and development stage of creating my final typeface. Printed on thick coloured card, corner rounded on the right and bound by a thick wire ring on the upper left corner.
Posters displaying all the letter shapes created through the development process.
Original poster prints are screen printed.
Fragment Typeface -Architectural Type & Experimentation


Fragment Typeface -Architectural Type & Experimentation
