The colors pink and green used in the logo of "MOAI-Healing Together" carry specific meanings and are carefully chosen to represent the values and goals of the organization.

The color pink often represents love, compassion, and caring, and is commonly associated with the qualities of nurturing, warmth, and kindness. It also has a calming effect and is often used to promote relaxation and healing.

The color green, on the other hand, is often associated with growth, harmony, and balance. It is often used to represent nature, health, and healing, and is believed to have a calming and soothing effect.

The hand and flower symbol used in the logo also carries meaning. The hand represents support, help, and care, while the flower symbolizes growth, healing, and renewal. Together, these symbols represent the idea of coming together to support each other in healing and growth.

Overall, the color and symbol choices in the "MOAI-Healing Together" logo convey a sense of compassion, care, growth, and healing, which aligns with the organization's mission of supporting individuals in their journey towards better health and wellbeing.
MOAI Logo Design


MOAI Logo Design
