MABAA™'s profile

International Urban Competition of Klaskvik

International Urban Competition Of Klaskvik
Klaskvik, Feroe Islands. 2012
Competition  -  Masterplan  -  Urban Design
EN  -  Under the theme "Between the city, the bay" proposes an urban plan for Klaksvik defined by the port character of the area and their connection to the sea, so we intervene on one side creating an urban center in the city, and on the other a series of streets that cross the bay that separates the western and eastern Klaksvik, these streets are treated individually, each of which is associated with culture, sports, trade, fishing, music, values ​​that define the city.
ES  -  Bajo el lema “Between the city, the bay” se propone un plan urbanístico para Klaksvik definido por el carácter portuario de la zona y su vinculación directa con el mar, de esta manera se interviene creando por un lado un centro urbano en la cuidad, y por otro una serie de calles que cruzan la bahía que separa las zona oeste y este de Klaksvik, estas calles están tratadas de manera individual, cada una de ellas esta asociada con la cultura, el deporte, el comercio, la pesca y la música, valores que definen la ciudad.
Daniel Lendoiro   -   Anton Armesto
International Urban Competition of Klaskvik

International Urban Competition of Klaskvik

Under the theme "Between the city, the bay" proposes an urban plan for Klaksvik defined by the port character of the area and their connection to Read More


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