Erica Medina Velez's profile

HUW169 - Ambience, Music, and SFX

This will be a small update in terms of file size within "W.I.P." version 0.4.0 but does add a lot to be emersed within the story I wish to tell.

As previously stated in all of the updates, you will be walking around from what seems to be a museum located in an unknown located with my works placed around as ominous music plays and as you read my thoughts. I always wanted someone to hear me but I never do like showing up in public areas which is why I mostly communicate in text and appear as a digital character that doesn't look anything to real self. I feel more happier this way anyways. I would like to show the world that I would like to be a woman.

The ambience I placed such as the office stock SFX and the shimmering light sound remind me when I used to go get check ups in the hospital daily and only play in certain areas within the game, usually in-door closed areas.

The music that plays in the background for Level 0 and Level 1 are playing "The Idol of Time and Space" from Devil May Cry 4 and "Divinity" from Devil May Cry 5. Both play and contribute from what I want the feeling of those locations to feel like a resting place from all of the stress that I have built over my life and bottled in me.

The confirmation and collectable sound effect and are also from the Devil May Cry franchise. From the game's origin, it doesn't feel out of place with its general sound design but I think it does feel out of place with how my general artstyle looks.

General visuals of this game aren't enough as I do want to describe and give off an unsettling idea that someone is sad inside but always show that they're happy.
HUW169 - Ambience, Music, and SFX

HUW169 - Ambience, Music, and SFX


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