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Final For Graphic Design - Manuela Valenzuela

Texture Replacement
For this Project I learned how to change the texture of a photo. We went outside and took photos and used them. I took a photo of a wasp nest and use it as a texture for any eyeball. I learned principles of photography. I did have a hard time thinking of where to put the texture on so I just searched up a simple eye and did that. I actually really liked how it ended up looking. 
Pizza Place Logo
For this Project we created Pizza place logos. The first picture is the sketch followed by the finalized logo. I decided to give it warm colors and green to make it stand out. I then put them on a shirt and headband. I learned that graphic designs projects are more than logo designing but applying it to things and seeing what colors look good together (kind of, I'm still bad at it) and typography. 
One of our first projects was to make a postcard. I decided on making a postcard off of the Trevi fountain in Italy Rome. I think it is a very beautiful fountain. I also learned how to change the sky of the photo which was awesome! I also experimented with the typography so this project probably fits in visual layouts. I did initially struggle with inserting the image because I hadn't used Adobe Softwares in over 2 years (took digital art in freshman year) and there were words I didn't understand.
Holiday Cards
For Halloween and Valentines, Mr. Maez let us create little cards and I liked it.  I think this would fit in with visual layouts. It was easy and I spent a lot of my time experimenting and getting angry with photoshop for not working the way I wanted it to, I ended up just looking it up on YouTube which helped. I was struggling with the brushes and opacity of things but in the end I got the hang of it and actually had fun. 
Johnstown Redesign
One of our latest projects we were tasked with redesigning Johnstown logo. I would say this fits in with Industry and Projects. I did have a hard time creating the logo and even now I'm not that proud of it. I do like how I put the logo on the brick wall, photoshop is fun lol. 
Coffee Shop Logos For Clients
For this Project we grouped up with other teams and they became our clients. We made this logo for the other team, they gave us the typography, colors, and sketches. I learned how the industry works through talking to our "clients" and seeing their requests instead of just making what I wanted to. I did not like the colors that much an it kind of lacked texture or whatever but our "clients" liked it so I kept it like that.

Final For Graphic Design - Manuela Valenzuela

Final For Graphic Design - Manuela Valenzuela
