Daniel Koponyás's profile

My vision is important Branding

Fontos a látásom

Imagine working without seeing well. Now imagine how difficult it was if you couldn't afford buying glasses and you had to work with bad vision.

Fontos a látásom (my vision is importnat) is a fund that provides people with low income families an opportunity to regain their vision by providing free vision tests and glasses.

The endowment was founded in 1991 by the Magyar Optikus Ipartestület (Hungarian Optical Industry Association). They started the Esélyt a szemnek (Opportunity for the Eye) program due to the serious inequalities in health care. They were regularly approached by organizations that wanted to donate glasses to poor people. In a relatively short period of time, a multi-stakeholder program was set up, at the end of which they provide glasses for the most disadvantaged people living in financial vulnerability.

With intentional colors, the entire graphic identity system is simplified to communicate visual clarity representing how granted we take it to see. The typographical elements transmit clean, easy to read solutions and are based on the font Atkinson Hyperlegible. The font used in the project was developed to be the easiest to read font.

A brand that was designed to reflect and expand the true purpose and ambitions of Fontos a látásom to the world.

Thank you!

My vision is important Branding


My vision is important Branding
