What the game is and How it works.
     For the past 3 weeks, I have been trying to create a 2D space invaders type shooter that I have named "Picket." Picket is a my attempt to recreate the USS Laffey's frantic defense against a horde of Japanese Suicide Aircraft that happened on April 15, 1945 (which also happens to be my birthday). From the get go, I wanted to make a WW2 themed shooter with graphics similar to that of the top down airplane game 1942.

     The game's controls are relatively simple. WASD controls the movement of the ship, which helps the player buy some time to down the Nakajima B6N "Tenzan" Kamikaze that will take away 1 of your 3 lives if you are hit. The firing of the gun is simple in practice but hard to explain in words, so I have a diagram that explains it below.
Essentially, the bullets trajectory depends on the how far away the mouse is clicked from the bullets spawn point. It is relatively easy to get used to, fortunately, and makes the game more intense.
When I was a young lad, I ran across this show from the History Channel called:
Now, the graphics of this show are nothing compared to modern CGI, however for 10 Y/O me it blew my mind. The show was well written, and the sound and explosions were REEEAAALY cool. One episode in particular, "Kamikaze," was my favorite due to its depiction of the USS Laffey's fight.
Then I discovered that the Laffey, after serving in the Korean AND Vietnam Wars in addition to being hit by no less than 10 Kamikaze and Bomb hits is a museum ship in South Carolina!
                                      The Process
Our journey begins with a flying circle and a rectangle. 
Now this here rectangle is special, because it spawns bullets at a point on the rectangle that can be aimed wherever the player wants them to go. No, they don't actually DO anything yet, but hey, trust the process I guess.
In a shocking spurt of advancement, now we have both a plane and a ship, which, whadya know, looks rather like the USS Laffey. This stage is visually equivalent to the final product, with the exception of the background and ocean being incomplete.
In my game's final stage, the plane is destroyed when hit by a bullet or when it hits the ship. The ship can "die" now, however when the 3 lives are up, the game actually ends. Indeed, the only way the game can be "won" is if the ship is hit 3 times, as that changes to a final "cutscene" of the Laffey getting relieved by air cover.
Well then player, do you have what it takes to "Brave the Horde" at the helm of "The Ship that Would Not Die?" Will you down the attacking planes and fight "as long as a single gun gun will fire," or will you succumb to the relentless assault. Good Luck!
                                    Other Stuff I made
This gif will hopefully be added later for when the plane is hit by a bullet.
My first attempt at pixel art, all it was was a picture with a filter over it. Needless to say it was not sufficient.
Below are some various other artworks I did that were never used. I many more hours into this art than code (initially at least).
Initial Concept Art
Another plane I did, its really good might try to add it as well.
And that's all folks! if you stuck around this far I will be uploading the finished code in a couple days. Thanks for reading this testament to the immense suffering I went through to do all this!



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