YaaSerwaah Akuoku   (Haus Of YBA)'s profile

Glaceau Vitamin Water (Revive) - T-Shirt design contest

Mood Board
       I initially decided to enter this contest as suggested by my best friend after depleting my “fashion show fund”, as I referred to thhe lump sum of money I had saved over a two-year period so that I maybe able to produce my own fashion show that coming fall. However, Much to my shock, I had returned home one morning to find what any loving pet owner would dread, my otherwise healthy 13 month old pet cat, Skootie was laying motionless in front of my building, he had fallen 10 stories from my window, fortunately; he survived, however he had severe broken bones and would need to have extensive, EXPENSIVE surgery to save his life. Although the show I had been anticipating on having was important, I could never have bore the thought of my pet and friend losing his LIFE. So at that moment, LIFE PERVAILED and the fund was history.
After my friends suggestion, I thought it would be an AWESOME idea to not only get the opportunity to express my emotion through design but to also compete to replace my fashion fund!
I selected the "Revive" flavor as my musebecause  it was a NO BRAINER!
Revive stood out to me In more ways than one! Revive to me was in a sense a Double entendre. To me on one hand, revive meant a second chance at life for my skootie. It also meant a second chance for my fashion presentation.
My vision has a heavy influence of surrealistic art, which is clear with my development of both the liquid patchwork, my signature on the dotted line at the hem, shoe design memicing the shape of the bottle and the play on the word “revive” on the bottle vs the deliberators. My word usage in the accompanying statement “FYI: I made my decision” is too a PERSONAL double Entendre, as it stands for the subject at hand and also the RIGHT decision I made by choosing the revival of life over monetary possession. I intended for this design to be not only whimsical but also to showcase a strong display of the effectiveness of the product and my own personal love for it.
Since I knew how much the guys at Vitamin Water, with their super cool label messages, just looove interaction between their product and consumer, I created some fun of my own by hiding a picture of “skookie”, All Revived, and just home from the hospital in my mood board…can you find him?......... TRY IT!!!
Glaceau Vitamin Water (Revive) - T-Shirt design contest

Glaceau Vitamin Water (Revive) - T-Shirt design contest

Glaceau vitamin water : T-Shirt Design Contest
