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Characters for Wolfboy and the Everything Factory

Character Design
Back in 2019-2020 I had the honour of Art Directing this beautiful series, which allowed me to work with some of my favourite artists and build this world together. Here are some of the pre-production character work I did when exploring to find our main characters: 
Wolfboy character explorations- testing a cardboard mask
Wolfboy character explorations 
Wolfie in pijamas
Final Wolfboy- no mask
Final Wolfboy
First test of final character in a background.
Beat boards
Xandra took a lot of exploration.
More Xandra explorations!
Xandra sketches that led into the final design.
Xandra's final design
Character colour development. With this I explained the main colours and main palette of the 3 main characters.
Simplified palette for main characters.
Sprout's first explorations!
Sprout's first turn. But it was too complex so we simplified him a little more:
Secondary characters:
School bullies exploration
Background treatment test with characters. This background also allowed me to explain how we were going to treat each background.
Tali based on Natalie Andrewson's first designs.
First drawing in pre-production to show how both Sprytes and Disarrays would look overall. The strawberry spryte and Floof ended up being in the show!
Characters for Wolfboy and the Everything Factory


Characters for Wolfboy and the Everything Factory
