I have already presented this segment once talking about my personal brand and telling a little who I am, but today I come to show you more of my work 
In this case I will show you above what is the idea of my personal brand, what colors I use and the main reason for my brand 
my color palette is quite closed the truth and I consider that it is the closest to reality since I am a person who uses little color, for those who follow me in networks you can see that I only use black clothes and that is why this is the main color of my personal brand and my logo

Here I present the how my logo looks
to be honest I really liked how it looks in clothes and I would like to make it happen

I know that the next thing I will show you and saw it in my previous post about my personal brand but I made some arrangements mainly in the QR code, if you want to see it in detail you can use it
In this QR code you can directly find my main social networks, my portfolios where I upload my content or my work and some more things as means of contact
And also a little bit of why my brand is like that, the selection I use
The typography of both the personal brand and the logo are really for pleasure, the logo was made based on one of my main jobs when I was studying and was to create the edition of a newspaper

I was actually quite interested in the NEWYORK TIMES and based on its logo is that it creates mine.

This image so simple that you see later is a typography directly using the typographies that were shown previously but with the main sense of giving it a more fun use, more focused on different entertaining or aesthetic scenarios.
To finish I must tell you that I am very grateful to find my style really in the field of design, my personal brand, really know how I like to see the design

and well, I leave you with two videos, the video of the last post and a video ending that I did recently
Emmanuel M.


Emmanuel M.
