Birth Control Hub
Winter semester 2022 Informing America Project in ART 331 at BYU-Idaho 
Birth Control Hub is a prototype website I have created to help inform America about birth control. The focus audience are women between the ages of 18 to late 30's, particularly those who need more information about birth control to help them to decide which is best for them. It utilizes the principles of design (contrast, proximity, repetition, alignment, etc.) to create a beautiful and safe website that anyone would feel comfortable visiting. Each page is curated to answer questions that women may have about all the types of contraceptives in a simplistic way.  
All images used in the site are from Unsplash. All other credible sources can be found at the bottom of each page. feel free to scroll down and click each of the links in the navigation bar located at the top of each page. 
Informing America

Informing America
