Bill Georgakopoulos's profile Podcast Network Logos

Logo project
Halftone Podcast Network Logos is a Greek podcast network hosting a few different shows. You can find anything from videogames and TV series, all the way to F1, history and even a few more experimental episodes.

Taking inspiration from the meaning of the word “halftone” itself, the network includes podcasts of different themes and not just 1 theme/area.

With that idea in mind, the approach for the logo of the network tried to follow the same principle, it being the sum of a lot of small dots. Each dot would representing a show.
I was clear from the very early stages that this would not work, so the logo was simplified a lot, keeping the original idea of a speech bubble-like shape, with the first letter of the word “halftone” in it:
This is a presentation of the logos for shows that are already “on air”. A few more shows are into the brainstorming phase, and their logos are on the pipeline as well. Once they go live, this presentation will be updated.
Vertical Slice

The first show of the network, focusing on videogames and analysis of the industry as a whole.

The logo takes inspiration from the classic Dpad on game controllers and cuts it vertically, to see what rests inside.

A show about Apple's ecosystem.

The logo itself takes inspiration from the "cmd" button on Apple's keyboard, where the "OS" part stands for "Operating System", something fitting as the show discusses all the "Operating Systems" and devices on Apple's ecosystem.

A show about TV series. The design is pretty self-explanatory.
Memory Sync

A series focusing on Assassin’s Creed games, analysing each historical era a game may take place into.

The logo itself takes a lot of small design details from within the games and their UI, making one final design out of them.

A show about F1.

The design would originally feature an abstract F1 steering wheel with a turning motion, but the word “Oversteer” itself took the place of the steering wheel, making the logo even more minimal and abstract.

The place where all the experimental episodes and ideas live.
Within the podcast apps, a combination of the show logo and the logo of the network is used, to make it clearer to the user what network hosts the show: Podcast Network Logos
Published: Podcast Network Logos
