Lounge chair​​​​​​​

Vision: ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Mission: blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.. 
"You are what you SIT on" - Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach   
Material: Hemp and Magnesium.
The chair as an object has turned into a laboratory complex for testing new materials (from bent wood to steel pipes, fiberglass and carbon fiber) and experiments in the field of production technologies, thanks to which such materials arise.

Visie: zorgen voor duurzame consumptie-en productiepatronen.
Missie: blauwdruk voor een betere en duurzamere toekomst voor iedereen.


The process of making furniture out of hemp and magnesium, which is fully ecological:
synthetic binders are widely used in the industry, but this can also be done in a natural way with local products.
Combining potato starch, magnesium and hemp to design sustainable products.
Lounge chair

Lounge chair

Comfortable hemp seat
