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Poszukiwanie Utraconego Życia / In Search of Lost Life

Poszukiwanie Utraconego Życia / In Search of Lost Life
master's degree project, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw
author: Patryk Liss
chief supervisor: prof. dr hab. Piotr Smolnicki
technical supervisor: mgr Michał Mazur

​​​​​​​ In Search of Lost Life is a master's degree project that I used as a medium to draw attention to the problem of animal extinction. In the 20th century, over 500 species disappeared from our planet. As many of them are currently on the brink of extinction, which puts us in the midst of the sixth mass extinction of living beings in Earth's history. Our world is losing biodiversity, and the 21st century has brought further irreversible casualties of human activity.

Based on data from the IUCN and scientists’ research I have selected 10 different creatures that have gone extinct in the 21st century. I have created an illustrated book featuring images of these extinct animals. The illustrations also serve as augmented reality markers.

These 10 illustrations of extinct animals were made using mixed media technique (gouache x digital).
For each animal there was a symbol created.

For each species that disappeared I created a 3D model. 
Combined with illustration each of them can be displayed in AR.

I bound the book using Coptic sewing. A special application was made to let the viewer see the 3D models on the phone after pointing the camera on the particular illustration of an animal.

* work in progress photos *

Thank you 
and spread the awareness

Poszukiwanie Utraconego Życia / In Search of Lost Life

Poszukiwanie Utraconego Życia / In Search of Lost Life
