Evelyn Bitencourt's profileHelen Araujo's profile


This product results from a 3-week immersion made by the teams of (011).lab and Digital Convergence Coordination, both part of the Innovation and Technology Secretary of São Paulo City. The objective of this project was to test methodologies in a quick manner for approximation and get a better understanding about territories that withhold a unit of our object of study, the FAB LAB LIVRE SP network.  I leading this project as a service designer, ideating, planning and executing the collection, treatment and synthesis of data together with the teams mentioned. 
Explaining, FAB LAB LIVRE SP is a pioneering public policy in Brazil, promoted by São Paulo City Hall.Committed to promoting creative and collaborative environment that makes possible to transform ideas into solutions. Launched in 2015, FAB LAB LIVRE SP Network has 12 public laboratories, with open and free access for the whole population. Strategically located in all regions of the city, mostly in the outer areas of the city, territories of greater social vulnerability.
Back to the prototype, the chosen neighborhood was Itaquera, located in the eastern part of São Paulo, the most populous region of the city. Itaquera is approximately 30 km away from the city center and is characterized by a dormitory suburb, with structural problems and poor urban mobility.
Itaquera’s FAB LAB LIVRE SP unit is located in a historical cultural center, Casa da Memória, subject of a preservation order since earlier 2019. The house was previously a train station office and is an important milestone for Itaquera as the history of the neighborhood begins with the construction of the railroad. In the present day the cultural center hosts classes of ballet, gypsy dance, yoga, makeup, guitar, keyboard, capoeira and handcraft work.

time: 3 weeks of planning and execution
1. Quickly test new methodologies to better listen to the citizens and get acquainted with the territory demands.
2. Expand the Se
cretariat’s vision at the public services provided.
3. Learn about the relationship between Fab Labs and the territories where they are inserted.​​​​​​​
Here you can take a look at everything we explored in this experience in Itaquera ;)
1) Desk research
Firstly, we gathered information about eligible methodologies and possible territories before going on field to devise an action strategy.
2) Preparation
We tested tools such as questionnaires and possible activities with groupmates to understand the possibilities of the methodology.
After that, we used a decision matrix to choose which territory to work on.
3) Field Research
We talked to pedestrians passing by the Fab Lab and interviewed the managers of the cultural center in order to understand the scope and influence of FAB LAB LIVRE SP in the neighborhood.
4) Mapping
The map was filled up in collaboration with residents and political leaders. The focus was to identify the main references of Itaquera, in terms of local history and culture, its weaknesses and its potentialities.
One of the methodologies used is called Love/Break up Letter. We asked a Fab Lab technician to write a letter to the lab discussing their relationship as if the laboratory was a person. The letter revealed important information about her relationship with the space and users.
5) Data Synthesis
We analyzed the information collected and summarized it into the the key learnings in this product.

Social maps are different from academic maps because people are involved
The administrative boundaries of the territory do not correspond to the way people organize themselves and perceive where they live, work, study. To get to knowing a territory, you need to look beyond the concept of a satellite map and existing data. Listening to people in a qualified way is a very important part in discovering the potential strengths and weaknesses of a place from the perspective of those who live in it.
“If something happens, I have to go to the Emiliano police station. I can’t go to the police station 2 streets away from here, even though it is so close, because it does not accept orders from here. There it is classified as another district. This is a problem, sometimes you just give up.”​​​​​
Residents and social movement leaders talking about problems of itaquera while marking these problems on a map
Cities contain multiple realities and so does Itaquera
Even though we have only worked in one of Itaquera’s four districts, we realised that there are many social dynamics that go beyond the drawn administrative limits. We have learned that, on a large scale, it gets gradually more difficult to access the most intimate relationships that people have with the area. Starting with small territories is the first step in understanding the different realities of a place and easier to get to know local challenges and potentials.
“This place [Itaquera] is a city, there is a project to split it into two District City Hall’s”
​​​​​​​In the Latin American context of social inequality and accelerated urbanization, any action taken from the government part must promote a more equal distribution of opportunities. Cities can only be built in an inclusive way if all realities and all kinds of people are considered.
“Those who are born among the 1% richest are 10 times more likely to become inventors than poor people, because of where they live and who they are related to. If we keep this up we will limit the transformation of São Paulo into an innovative city. ”
There are invisible barriers that trouble the access to FAB LAB Itaquera, but they represent the reality of many public services facilities inserted in the outlying ghettos of São Paulo. Too technical or sophisticated adopted way of speaking at the offered courses, or the way applications to the activities are made available (sometimes only by online means) and the lack of connection with local key interests, can negatively affect the service and make it almost unknown or underused by those who live in Itaquera.

(011).lab team
Evelyn Bitencourt
Helen Araujo
Lais Valieris
Lucas Vaqueiro
Vitor Fazio

Digital Convergence Coordination team
Gabriela D’Amaral
Guilherme Nafalski
Julia Teles
Maitê Sanches
Mariana Mendoza
Raphael Caetano



Creative Fields