Benedict Calland's profile

Ultra Light Soother

The instinctive action of sucking helps to calm and soothe babies and all parents know there’s nothing more wonderful than a calm, content baby. Little mouths don’t always hold onto heavy baby soothers which means parents often need to replace the soother in their baby’s mouth every few minutes. Our Ultra-Light Silicone soother is our lightest ever soother and is light enough to stay put in baby’s mouth for longer helping babies to stay calmer, soothed and happier for longer. Our orthodontic* soothers feature an oval, reverse ortho baglet that is vented meaning it compresses more easily than traditional, air-filled baglets and therefore reduces pressure on baby’s developing teeth and gums. The symmetrical, silicone baglet that is fully reversible and has no ‘wrong’ side-up so the soother will always be placed correctly in your baby’s mouth. The curved shield sits comfortably between baby’s chin and nose and the holes in each side allow extra air flow and prevent the build-up of moisture which helps to protect baby’s delicate skin against irritation. The smooth surface of silicone is very easy to clean and won’t absorb stains and odours. The hygienic, anti-static properties prevent dust from settling and as it has a one-piece design, it is really easy to clean - simply pop in a steriliser, wash by hand or in the top shelf of the dishwasher.
Ultra Light Soother


Ultra Light Soother
