Chani Weakland's profile

Seven Creative Strategies

The Seven Creative Strategies
Category: metaphor or simile
Title: “Cutting the middleman out of the environment so it can grow properly”
This Metaphor/Simile is telling the story of when you cut the middleman out of the environment and allow it to grow the way it needs to then it will survive and grow. I used the scissors as showing the metaphor and used the gradient to blend them into the image more.
Category: physical shape similarity
Title: “on new legs”
This fun Physical Shape Similarity shows a flamingo trying to walk on new legs. I used the paint tool to erase the original legs and then 
added the scissors. I used the clone tool to add new water under the new legs to look like it had been there.
Category: isolation
Title: “New flower in the garden”
This Isolation piece I call new flower in the garden. I took the last flower and used the paintbrush and clone tools to make the flower blend into the background. I then took the garden scissors and used it in the place of the flower. I left the stems to show it is an isolated flower too.
Category: Material change, swap, or focus
Title: “zip to clip”
This Material Change, Swap, or Focus show that the zipper is being changed and swapped for scissors to cut the sweater open. It’s focus is on the zipper not the sweater that is why it is larger than a normal zipper would be. I used the gradient to make the scissors and 
zipper blend with the sweater. I used the paint tool to hide most of the white in the zipper to blend it together.
Category: Combinations
Title: “Umbrella Rain”
For this Combination piece I used the paint tool and masked the umbrella out of the image. I added scissors and used the gradient tool to make them darker to blend into the image. This image repeals the water off the umbrella as it is raining.
Category: change of context or environment
Title: “The Last Tree”
The Change of Context or Environment I used was an image with a pole attached to a jeep looking at the last tree on the land. I used the 
clone tool to make an addition to the pole and added scissors over the tree to show that it is now a crane trying to remove the last tree.
Category: juxtaposition
Title: “ballerina kicks”
The while the ballerina forms an arabesque she realizes that she is on new legs. she does her best to make a poised dance position. This Juxtaposition composition was formed by taking a ballerina and adding the scissors as her legs in a ballet pose. I left them light so that the shadow will show.
Seven Creative Strategies

Seven Creative Strategies
