AR sculpture

Earth-sized planet named Solaris and its surface is entirely covered by an ocean except some small scattered islands. And it turns out that this ocean is actually alive, a living, enormous organism. According to the book Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, the ocean does have some interesting capabilities. It can warp the space-time continuum and it apparently uses this ability to keep the orbit of its planet extremely stable. And its surface exhibits some formations that can also warp the space-time continuum on a smaller scale. But the most interesting ability is that it can create exact copies of human memories, including living copies of long-dead friends or family. These copies are identical to humans down to the molecular level but are made from neutrinic matter stabilized by the ocean by unknown means, which gives them super-human strength and near-indestructibility. Before producing exact copies, the ocean "trains" by creating mere caricatures, rudimentary pre-shapes, out of its purple surface material. Given all of this, what kind of creature would the ocean create out of memories of me?

