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Walter White the Design Critic

I recently illustrated Breaking Bad's Walter White for this month's Print Regional Design Annual with the article "The Role of Mediocrity in Graphic Design" written by Steven Heller and with art direction by Ronson Slagle.
In the article Heller mentions how Walter Jr's poster in Breaking Bad, "... wasn’t great. It was just, well, ordinary – and that is the definition of mediocre." The article goes on to say that with today's technology most people can produce 'O.K.' art but we need to push ourselves to make great design, "But there is a role for mediocrity in graphic design. It's a baseline that designers should strive to rise above... avoid the traps that result in mediocrity. Fine tune your radar for ordinary."  In my illustration our teacher Walter White critiques the mediocre design of our present day world by using the example of his son's missing poster. More portraits can be found on my site.
The beginnings of the illustration in acrylic paint.
Adding some ink lines and defining that Walter scowl really started bringing him together.
Walter White the Design Critic

Walter White the Design Critic

My portrait of Breaking Bad's Walter White for 2013's Print Regional Design Annual article "The Role of Mediocrity in Graphic Design".
